Oct 30, 2009

this is how it goes.~

todays the last day of classes for the 1st week of my 2nd semester.
and it was seriously way too different than my previous one. and that pretty much just didnt agree with me.
this whole week was pretty much spent on sorting out schedules at the add and drop session,
and of course, going directly to the department and such.
wasnt fun i tell you. was,not,fun.
the absence of lecturers for comp2 and maths2 is not too bad. haha.
i havent exactly retained any studying spirit from the last sem,
but its slooowly coming, i promise you.
yeah, i think it will. :D
got a completely new group this semester,
got random classmates stuck with me,
the one im not too close with unfortunately,
actually there were 4,
2 went to ict,
1 switched ,
and the one left,
ehh,i dont really know much about that guy.
took the qualifying test to enter AED the other day,
3 sessions altogether,
Still Life Drawing *awkwardd*
Maths *Alhamdulillah, just standard form 5 questions*
and of course,
the dreaded interview,
which i somehow managed to pull through without completely stuttering the whole time.
results would be out by next week,
and i really really hope i got in.
cant really stand another hour in physics2.
cant really comprehend how can anyone digest that subject.
and actually liking it. oii. seems mission impossible to me,
haha, and im pretty sure i'll ahve quite some back up on that. :P
pretty much spent most of my day,
wandering around campus,
quietly chilling in the library with art books for company,extremely relaxing for the mind and soul,
for me it did at least,
sorry to you who actually read this whole dull post.
thats just plain ol' me,
killing silently with my own boredness,
till later.
Assalamualaikum :D

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