Nov 9, 2009

what to do what to do.

sorry in advance for this long and dull entry,
just sharing what went down this few days.
enjoy, *if u can xD*

this is my 1st week of class in AED.
new classmates, whose names i didnt even catch btw,haha *sombongsnggoh*
but yeah,
hopefully we'll get closer soon.
only 3 AED classes in a week, 6 hours of lecture,
and then there only FIM,Arabic n Tilawah,
and im basically having 2-3 hours at most of classes every day, except for Monday that is.
and theres hardly anyone who's free on Monday *i so totally understand Garfield right now*

only had to endure 2 hours of arabic today *8-10*
and its a loooong endless free time for me,:D
sounds great doesnt it,
but i kinda miss the hectic lifestyle of an Engin student.
just ever so microscopicly so.

and then theres the smac *uia's sports fest* going on the campus,
sorta gets you all hyped up about working out innit?
at the very least,
it was fun watching the events,
cheering like mad and stuff, *ex engine turned AED, had to go with AED aite? sori bdk2 engin.*

and with so much time in my hands,
i thought,
why not at least try to get in shape aite?
well, not exactly in shape per say, but, yeah, i feel a strong need to exercise more often,
after all, this tummy aint gettin flatter each day. im gonna look like a ball soon unless i do something about it.
so far, ive gone to the gym 2 times this week,
each was like, a 45 min session? give or take.
feels to good to sweat a little,
though the stench i can deal without.
im not trying to pull myself too hard,
easy does it now..
but i guess you could say that im slowly but surely trying to improve my stamina this semester,
and who knows,
i might even take up a new sport while im at it.
this is seriously starting to sound like a dull diary huh?
*starting, -coughcoughcouch- i mean, when hasnt it been? xD*
sorry again,
to all how actually had the tolerance to read this whole post, i thank u~ hee

thats it for now i guess,
now just have to wait for 5pm to legally get out of campus,
pasar malam JOMMM~

c ya,
  • Assalamualaikum :D


::Fatihah:: said...

gosh i'm tolerant enough to read this whole post of yours. haha :P heyy go play some sport, it sounds better than to go to the gym only. dull babe, DULL. haha. *words that come out from the mouth of a girl who hasn't played any sport for monthhss, never mind hitting the gym regularly. hehe* XD

nuruliliana said...

good for you then,
its almost praiseworthy to have as much tolerance as u did.
sports u say?
sounds fun,
but even more fun if you're dragged along. xD
so how bout it then?
u up for it?

::Fatihah:: said...

hell yeahh, lets go play some sports dear. hahahaa :D

nuruliliana said...

i'll take u up on that.
jage kalo ko lari mse ak ajak nnt.
pnggl no 9 join.