Jun 15, 2012

compisition comes into play.

Another fun photoshop tutorial completed! wooohooo~
this one is from PSDVault, they have some pretty cool tutorials over there so do check it out :)

Basically this tutorial acts as a guide to creative composition, and plays mostly with layer effects, transformation and brushes. The instructions are pretty well explained but you do have to learn the basics before attempting this one because it might skip some tiny details.
Compared to the tutorial, I used more layer masks than the eraser tool because the eraser, being a permanent action, is not as flexible as the layer masks.
Layer masks allows you to alter the appearance of an image but it can easily be deleted or adjusted to your own preferences without worrying about permanent damage :D ( if anyone's interested I'll try to explain further in future entries ; drop a comment! )

So here's the final result from the artist at PSDVault

And here's mine! :)

Resources used ;
  1. model stock
  2. bird1 
  3. bird2 
  4. bird3
  5. cant remember where I downloaded the brushes from, it was so long ago LOL.

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