Mar 21, 2009

finally back! *and lame reviews*

feels really good to be home..
although I am going to miss Tganu oh so much.really.
anyway,im typing away with my current obsession in mind.
Twilight,or The Twilight Saga..(dramatic background music please~)
as I far as I'm concerned,the series is absolutely lovely to read.
despite the truckloads of negative reviews and comments surrounding it.
Im guessing,they judged it completely based on the movie.
and only the movie.
I've seen the trailer (and currently downloading the full movie,of course)
Sad to say,other than the impossibly gorgeous Robert Pattinson as Edward and of course,Bella,played by Kristen Stewart..
The movie didn't turn out like I imagined.
But of course,to bring such a flawless character as Edward to life is hard.
But Rob's looks certainly looked the part,it's just his voice that threw me off.
Because in the book,Edward Cullen's voice is described as 'smooth velvet'.
But hey,when you're in love,everything is pretty~~~
even your bf's/gf's fart will smell like roses rightttt??
anyway,with Rob's face in mind,armed with the 2nd book in the series,(New Moon)
I'm off to my happy place..


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